Anatomy of A High Converting Webinar Landing Page

Marketing Strategy
October 3, 2024

With just a handful of tweaks to your landing page, you can explode your webinar signups.

Seriously - and in this quick guide, I’m gonna break down what you need to know. Likely in less than 30 min you could DOUBLE your registrations.

How do I know? Me and my partners have ran literally hundreds of webinars, crushing millions of dollars in sales, testing nearly everything under the sun. 

Here’s what you need to know.

What’s A Good Conversion Rate For A Webinar Landing Page?

A good average conversion rate for a webinar landing page is somewhere around 50%. This means that for every 100 people that hit it, 50 people register. 

Now, this number can vary WIDELY and dramatically depends on the context / source of the traffic.

To your hot hot hot email list of raving fans? You might hit 80%+.

To a cold random paid traffic visitor? Likely less than 40%

And what’s really important is that the funnel is financially viable - so you could absolutely crush with a lower CR, but this is just a point to aim for. 

How To Increase Your Conversion Rate

What you’ll do to get there is A/B test different versions of the lander.

You can easily do this in Clickfunnels by creating a new variation, letting it rock for a while, and seeing how it works out. 

This one was mostly paid, you can see it's hittin pretty close to 50% even on almost exclusively cold.

Then once you have enough conversions / traffic come through and you’ve reached a confidence level, you’ll declare the winner, and then split test that. Keep going until you get it 50%+.

The Most Important Factor In Your Conversion Rate

Most of this guide is about what to do on your landing page, but honestly what happens prior to people hitting your lander is even more important.

The first and most important thing above all that will determine your conversion rate is the CONTEXT in which people are hitting your landing page. 

Context can mean the relationship that you have with the traffic, or the source of the traffic, or what happens before they click.

For example:

Relationship Level

Context 1: Your Mom

If you told your mom to go to the landing page and sign up, the conversion rate absolutely would be 100%. It might even be 200% because she would signup twice just cause she loves ya. Maybe she would even tell a couple of her friends to sign up too cause her baby is doing something new and exciting.

Relationship + trust level is 100%, so you know that she will sign up. 

Same type of deal for your raving fans on your email list.

Context 2: Cold  Traffic

Cold paid traffic relationship level is ZERO. 

And it might not just be zero, it might be negative! 

When people see an ad for your webinar, they are actively looking for reasons to dismiss it, they are actively looking to use their beliefs to judge it or find reasons to NOT sign up. 

They may be thinking

  • “This looks like a scam, 
  • “I don't know who these people are” 
  • “I don't know if this will be a waste of time” 
  • Etc

Depending on the context and the traffic source, you’re going to see an ENORMOUS amount of variation in CR. 

When you send a promo for your webinar to your email list, your CR is going to be higher because the people likely already know you and trust you, vs. when you’re running it to a cold audience who has no idea who you are. 

Traffic Source

Another part of the context is the traffic source (which is also intertwined with the relationship)

If it’s an email to your list - 

In the email, you can really hype the webinar, explain what it's about, why they should join, and by the time they click, they are already READY to register. 

They already decided they want to join, and you could literally have a signup form with almost nothing else on the LP…. 

…because they already KNOW they want it. 

If it’s a cold ad - They don’t know who you are (likely), and they are scrolling, and have a VERY short attention span.

So here you gotta focus on making the Ad a banger and getting their attention and curiosity up, then delivering a very clear value prop.

So real truth… if your LP CR is low… take a look at what is happening prior to hitting the LP and try to make that kick ass.

But onto the actual LP….

Landing Page Conversion Rate Factors

There are a few “obvious-not-so-obvious” factors that are EXTREMELY important. These are things that are seemingly obvious but people forget. 

It doesn’t matter how killer your copy is if these things are messed up.

Load Time / PageSpeed

Click through to your LP and see how the load time is. It should be less than a second. If it takes even a few seconds to load, it will dramatically decrease your conversions.

Walmart found that every 100ms of load time cost them millions of dollars in lost conversion rate:

Every second counts!

How to speed this up? 

  • Get rid of anything between your link and your landing page (sometimes people use link shorteners that slows it down. If you have to, use a FAST link shortener).
  • Get rid of anything on the page that takes a long time to load.
  • Use to see what’s slowing it down (could be scripts, images, backgrounds, videos)
  • Make your page WAY simpler / remove content

Mobile vs. Desktop

Depending on your traffic source, the majority of your traffic might be mobile so it's imperative that your design not only loads on mobile but also looks awesome there. 

Make sure to check it out on your own phone or use Chrome’s mobile viewer. 

Register for your own webby on your phone and make sure everything works right.

Landing Page Design

This includes everything, but mostly where the eye goes visually

You need to nail the page structure so the reader instantly understands.

Your headline and CTA are going to be the most important here, so make sure it’s big, looks great, and you communicate what you want. 

I like to try testing EXTREMELY simple webby landing pages…. Webinar registrations with very little content.

(Even with this template example, I might nix a lot of the text!)

Most of mine have just a few elements:

  1. Pre Headline, Headline, Sub
  2. Signup Form + CTA
  3. MAYBE a picture / social proof
  4. MAYBE a few bullets

(That’s it)

No long sales page or anything… not necessary. I just want to communicate what it is + hype it up.

Note: Now, remember I’m talking about a webinar / free training LP.. Other landing pages might take more, like if you're running a live event that costs money to attend. In that case, you’ll need more content to do more convincing. But in the case of a free webby, simple pages crush.

Webinar Landing Page Copy

Alright let’s talk about the copy. The copy is gonna do the heavy lifting once they land on the page.

Headline (Plus Pre + Sub)

The headline is the most important element on the page that will affect conversions, because this is what everyone will see first. It should be big, clear, attention grabbing. This is also one of the top things to split test. 

Typical Formula:

  • Pre-Headline (small text): Call out the target audience
  • Headline: How To [Benefit] With [Unique Mechanism] In [Time Frame] Without [Common Problems]
  • Sub: Even if You [Objection handler]

However, this is just a starting point. You can have a dramatic departure from this, but the main points is that when someone reads this they should know exactly:

  1. Who it’s for (can be implied)
  2. The benefit they will receive by attending

(And it should trigger huge curiosity)

OK next up...

Time & Date

Make sure to tell them if it’s live, one time, and include date + scarcity


You can include a picture, often this can be a picture of the presenter or something that exemplifies the outcome or connects with the visitor. You can put a caption below the photo that explains it. 

Make sure the picture is clear and communicates something. We want to avoid ANY confusing pictures - because "a confused mind always says no"

Curiosity / Content Bullets (Optional)

Optionally you can include a few bullets that drive curiosity and explain what they are going to learn / what you’re going to cover.

If you’re following the Russel Brunson perfect webby formula, you can put the 3 “secrets” you’re going to reveal here:

Form + CTA

Then have the form. Name, Email, and DEFINITELY GOTTA ADD A BUTTON FOR SMS!!! 

Using SMS will dramatically increase your show up rate. Also, yes, sign up for Roezan so you can send automatic reminders.

*Also gotta put in the compliance checkbox for SMS

Webinar Landing Page Examples

Ok here's a couple examples so you can see how simple it should be:

Example 1: Template

(Even with this template example, I might nix a lot of the text!)

This one follows the formula pretty well cause we made this a long time ago.

What I would change here is

  • Include the time and date big
  • Shorten the bullets so they all fit above the fold (way less text) or even remove them
  • You should see a CTA / Button below the bullets above the fold. Possibly remove the first button to get everything moved up.

Example 2: Real Estate

Look at how crazy simple this landing page is.

It consists of:

  • Subhead: What they will see / the benefit
  • Headline: Crazy data based claim that drives curiosity
  • Picture (left): Grant cardone in a suit, speaking on stage
  • Small description: Answers the question "why now?" + benefit
  • Urgency / CTA: Tells them to hurry and secure their seat

That's basically everything! No long sales page, and less than 100 words of copy.

Example 3: Biz Op

I love this example because of it's simplicity. It consists of just a few elements:

  • Pre-head: What this is + urgency
  • Head: Discover How [Who + What] Using [Unique Mechanism]
  • Bullets: Objection handlers "even if xyz"
  • Form: Only thing missing here is an SMS box but this is an autowebby and so people are dropped direclty into the room
  • Form sub: Gives a CTA + extra bonuses
  • Social proof: Great idea to put proof right next to / direclty below the CTA button to solidify trust

How To Start

The best way to start is SUPER simple, that way you can focus on nailing the message. 

If you start with a big ass long complicated page, you won’t know which part is killing your conversions.

Start with an extremely simple page, well laid out, and try to nail the messaging.

Then once it starts working, then you can experiment with adding longer stuff, or more elements like:

  • What’s going to be covered
  • Objection handling
  • Design / Colors
  • Social proof
  • Reviews
  • Bonuses
  • About the presenter
  • Etc.


If you implement these tips you can get your webinar landing page to convert at 50%+.

Focus on simplicity and nailing the message. Split test your results until you get it cranking!
