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Send Bulk MMS With Roezan

Send multi-media pictures, gifs, files and more
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What Is MMS?

MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service, and it essentially means that you can send pictures, gifs, and other files.

We built in MMS natively to Roezan so it's an excellent way to connect with your contacts.

Learn more about MMS in our knowledge base article.

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Why Use MMS?

Bulk MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) text messages can be useful in various situations where you want to communicate with a large group of people in a more engaging and personalized way.

Here are some reasons why someone might want to use bulk MMS text messages:

1. MMS Is Visual:

MMS messages can include images or gifs. This is a great way to spice up your content

2. MMS is Great For Branding:

MMS messages can be customized with brand logos and colors, which can help reinforce brand recognition and loyalty.

3. Send Voice Notes & Audio Files:

Send audio files, which can be more engaging and memorable than plain text messages.

4. Send PDFs & Teasers:

You can send PDFs before your events to "pre-train" your prospects and get them excited.

5. Get Prospects Hyped For Events:

By sending animated Gifs you can show them a preview of your event, the speakers, the content, and get them excited.

6. Add Personality With Fun Gifs & Memes:

Adding fun gifs can give personality to your conversations and keep prospects engaged.

Overall, using bulk MMS messages can be an effective way to communicate with a large group of people in a more engaging and personalized way, which can lead to increased engagement, customer loyalty, and sales.

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6 Cool Things About MMS You Might Not Know:

Here are some cool things about MMS that you might not know!

1. You can send multiple pictures in one message

2. You're not limited to pictures, you can send animated gifs, mp3s, and other files!

3. You can also send a .vcf (Contact Card) so your prospects can easily save your info in their phone

4. In addition to pictures, you can also send up to 1600 characters of text in the same message for no additional cost!

5. You can use MMS in broadcasts, conversations, events, and more!

Try it out for yourself with a free 14 day trial!

Start Sending MMS With Roezan