We understand that SMS every single character inside of your text message is important
Therefore it's important to keeps your links as short as possible so you can keep costs down
While still getting your entire message across
And the bad news about that... Is that Carriers frown upon public link shorteners such as bit.ly
Which is why we knew we needed to create a fast link shortener that you can use to ensure your links are as short as possible and also hit your subscriber's inbox
But we took it to the next level... Our link shortener doesn't just shorten links
Our link shortener also creates unique shortened link for every subscriber you texts so we can track each individual click and attribute it to the correct contacts
Which brings me to our next point...
It's simple...
We are tracking your link clicks which gives you two huge advantages
1. You'll be able to track the efficacy of your SMS Campaigns and see your CTR directly inside of your Roezan Dashboard
But even more importantly...
2. You'll be able to create hyper targeted segments based off of link clicks which will allow you to send targeted text messages or fire off powerful automations based off which subscribers are and are not clicking your links
Not to mention you can use segmenting to keep costs down and delete leads that never click the links in your text messages (if you want to)
The point is... Our link shortener is available to all plans for free
And will add powerful tools to your marketing arsenal