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SMS Character Counter

Use this SMS length tester to figure out how long your message is!


What is the SMS Character Length Tester?

The SMS Character Counter Length Tester is a tool that helps you determine the number of characters and segments in a text message, based on the GSM 7-bit character set used for SMS messages. It allows you to enter a message and see the number of characters, the number of characters remaining before you reach the SMS limit, and the number of segments required to send the message.

What is a segment?

In the context of SMS messaging, a segment refers to a single part of a longer message that has been broken up for delivery. Each SMS message can contain up to 160 characters (or 140 bytes in the case of messages containing emojis), so longer messages are broken up into multiple segments. The number of segments required to deliver a message depends on the length of the message and the encoding used. In Roezan, 1 segment = 1 credit, so if you use multiple segments it will cost more.

As a side note, if you use more than 2 segments for an SMS we will attempt to convert the message to MMS which uses 3 credits. This is because MMS allows for 1600 characters and will save you credits by not exceeding 3 segments!

What is the length limit for a typical SMS?

The length limit for a typical SMS is 160 characters. However, some characters (such as emojis) may take up more than one byte, which can reduce the effective character limit to less than 160. In such cases, the maximum length of an SMS message is 70 characters.

This is important because emojis can accidentally cost you more money! Be careful with adding emojis to messages.

Why does adding emojis change the length?

Emojis are not represented by single characters, but rather by Unicode code points that require multiple bytes to encode. In the UTF-8 encoding used for SMS messages, some emojis can take up to 4 bytes to encode. This means that a message containing emojis may require more bytes (and therefore fewer characters) than a message without emojis, which can reduce the effective character limit.

What's the difference in character counts for SMS vs MMS?

SMS (Short Message Service) messages are limited to 160 characters, while MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) messages can contain up to 1600 characters. MMS messages can also contain multimedia content such as pictures, videos, and audio files, which are not supported by SMS messages. MMS is awesome and a great feature that you can use in Roezan.

What are common mistakes in counting SMS length?

One common mistake is assuming that each character takes up a single byte, which may not be true if the message contains non-ASCII characters such as emojis. Another mistake is not taking into account the fact that longer messages are broken up into multiple segments, which can increase the cost of sending the message. It's also important to remember that SMS message length limits vary by country and carrier, so it's important to check the specific limits in each case.

We suggest using giving your messages a little bit of extra room when using dynamic variables like first name, or using dynamic lengths, as the length of the dynamic variables can change per message and accidentally increase the segments used (and increase costs).

Why is it important to know the character and segment count of an SMS message?

SMS messages have a limit on the number of characters they can contain, usually 160 characters for a single message. If a message exceeds this limit, it is split into multiple segments, each of which may incur additional charges. Knowing the character and segment count of a message can help you ensure that your message fits within the limit and is delivered as intended.

What is the GSM 7-bit character set?

The GSM 7-bit character set is a standard character set used for SMS messages in many countries. It includes basic Latin letters, numbers, and some special characters, such as punctuation marks and diacritical marks.

How many characters can an SMS message contain?

An SMS message can contain up to 160 characters in the GSM 7-bit character set. However, messages that use non-standard characters or encoding may have a lower character limit, or may require multiple segments to be sent.

How many segments can an SMS message contain?

An SMS message can contain multiple segments if it exceeds the 160-character limit. Each segment can contain up to 153 characters in the GSM 7-bit character set, or fewer characters if non-standard characters or encoding are used. The number of segments required for a message depends on its length and the encoding used.

Can I send longer messages by combining multiple SMS messages?

Yes, some SMS gateways and providers allow you to send longer messages by combining multiple SMS messages into a single message. This is known as concatenation or message concatenation. However, not all devices and networks support concatenated messages, and they may be split into multiple segments or lost if they exceed the maximum allowed message size.

Can I use the SMS Character Length Tester for messages in other languages or character sets?

The SMS Character Length Tester is designed to work with the GSM 7-bit character set used for SMS messages. If you are sending messages in other languages or character sets, you may need to adjust the character and segment counts based on the encoding used. Some languages and character sets may have their own limitations and requirements for SMS messages, so it's important to check with your SMS provider or gateway for specific guidelines.

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